Quick facts



"I had no idea how many months it would take to complete the plumbing work for Checkerhead Brewing nor that I’d be so pleased with the choice of plumber I was lucky enough to work with. There were never problems, only solutions. Rick went above and beyond my expectations to deliver a superior result."

- David Aiken, Checkerhead Brewing


We're here to help...

No job too small, too scary or too unique! Put it to the test, we dare you :)

Need a hand? Get in touch!

Rick and Ben are happy to help. Please leave your contact details below and we will be in touch as soon as possible!

Our business hours are: 7:30am to 5pm, Monday to Sunday.

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Email us: [email protected]

Call us: 250-589-5651

Illustration of two bear plumbers, crouching to repair a pipe.